derby triathlon club

If you want to know more about the club, please contact the secretary using the e-mail above.

Safe Swim Training

Recommendations for Safe Training Pool Swimming

  • Observe and respect the pace and workout routines of other swimmers in their lane, avoiding actions that are likely to interfere with those routines, and maintaining good lane discipline.
  • Be aware of other pool users who may be in distress, or whose actions may cause risk to the member, and attract the attention of a Club coach or pool life guard in such circumstances.
  • Ensure adequate hydration during swim sessions by bringing a drinks bottle to the poolside;
  • If possible, bring a pull buoy to all pool sessions.
  • Be aware that surfaces in the facilities are likely to be wet and slippery and therefore take care.
  • Only dive in those areas that are designated safe to dive in.

Open water swimming

  • Wear a wetsuit and brightly coloured swim cap.
  • Use a buddy system and swim in pairs based upon speed and ability. Never swim alone !
  • Swim parallel to the bank/shore unless adequate safety cover exists for areas beyond that.
  • Roll on to their back and raise their arm to attract the attention of the safety cover if experiencing any difficulty.
  • Sign in and out of the water in designated swimming locations.
  • Provide the session leader with their emergency contact details and information on any medical issues.
  • Not enter water space used by other water sports users unless prior communication for the sole use of a designated space over an allocated time period has been arranged.
  • Shower after swimming, washing open wounds and ears, etc to reduce the risk of infection.

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About DTC

Derby Triathlon Club (DTC) was formed in 1985, our aim is to provide a fun and friendly environment for you to pursue your multisport ambition. Our focus is on developing your three disciplines, regardless of age, level of fitness or current ability.

DTC now has a membership of around 200, comprised of both senior and junior triathletes.

We provide coaching in all four of triathlons disciplines (including transition).  We hold both regular sessions (i.e. weekly) and other sessions on a more ad-hoc basis.  We use several venues in and around the city of Derby for our training sessions.

Please click here to see a full breakdown of all club related sessions
