Safe Swim Training
Recommendations for Safe Training Pool Swimming
- Observe and respect the pace and workout routines of other swimmers in their lane, avoiding actions that are likely to interfere with those routines, and maintaining good lane discipline.
- Be aware of other pool users who may be in distress, or whose actions may cause risk to the member, and attract the attention of a Club coach or pool life guard in such circumstances.
- Ensure adequate hydration during swim sessions by bringing a drinks bottle to the poolside;
- If possible, bring a pull buoy to all pool sessions.
- Be aware that surfaces in the facilities are likely to be wet and slippery and therefore take care.
- Only dive in those areas that are designated safe to dive in.
Open water swimming
- Wear a wetsuit and brightly coloured swim cap.
- Use a buddy system and swim in pairs based upon speed and ability. Never swim alone !
- Swim parallel to the bank/shore unless adequate safety cover exists for areas beyond that.
- Roll on to their back and raise their arm to attract the attention of the safety cover if experiencing any difficulty.
- Sign in and out of the water in designated swimming locations.
- Provide the session leader with their emergency contact details and information on any medical issues.
- Not enter water space used by other water sports users unless prior communication for the sole use of a designated space over an allocated time period has been arranged.
- Shower after swimming, washing open wounds and ears, etc to reduce the risk of infection.