derby triathlon club

If you want to know more about the club, please contact the secretary using the e-mail above.

Coached Pool Swimming

derby junior swimming clubs

Coached Pool Swimming
Our coached swim sessions are structured in such a way that whether you are a novice to triathlon or an experienced age-grouper we can help you achieve your swimming goals.

These swim sessions are very popular and we do not wish to discourage anyone from taking up triathlon but we do not have sufficient coaches to teach people how to swim. We therefore ask that anyone who attends a pool swim session is able to complete 200m (8 lengths) of front crawl without stopping.  If this is slightly beyond your current ability please contact and we will do all we can to get your swimming to a level where you can join in with and benefit from the Club coached sessions.

We occasionally run Novice Swim sessions, that cater for those with a basic front crawl ability, but not meeting the 200m specified above.

We would also like all members to follow this guidance on training etiquette for pool swim sessions. This makes it easier for the coaches to run the sessions and enables us all to get more from the limited time we have so that every training session is as beneficial to everyone as possible.

Club members are required to sign-up for swim sessions via the online booking system.

If you are thinking of joining and want to try a taster session (free) or you are a triathlete temporarily in the area looking for a somewhere to train then please email and we will do our best to accommodate you.


Times & Locations of Coached Pool Swim Sessions

Monday 20:30 (Adults COACHED) – Moorways Sports Village,  Pool B

Allenton, Derby, DE24 9HY


Thursday 19:00 (Sep-Apr) – Etwall Leisure Centre (Adults & older Children)

Etwall, Leisure Centre, Hilton Road, Etwall, Derby DE65 6HZ 

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About DTC

Derby Triathlon Club (DTC) was formed in 1985, our aim is to provide a fun and friendly environment for you to pursue your multisport ambition. Our focus is on developing your three disciplines, regardless of age, level of fitness or current ability.

DTC now has a membership of around 200, comprised of both senior and junior triathletes.

We provide coaching in all four of triathlons disciplines (including transition).  We hold both regular sessions (i.e. weekly) and other sessions on a more ad-hoc basis.  We use several venues in and around the city of Derby for our training sessions.

Please click here to see a full breakdown of all club related sessions
