derby triathlon club

If you want to know more about the club, please contact the secretary using the e-mail above.


1. Club Name

The name of the Club will be “Derby Triathlon Club”, hereinafter referred to as the Club.

The Club shall be affiliated to the British Triathlon Federation (BTF).  Affiliations to other bodies shall be decided by the Committee or at a General meeting.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Club will be to promote the enjoyment and participation of its Members in the sports of aquathlon, duathlon and triathlon.

3. Membership

The membership shall consist of the following categories:

Membership typeDefinition
AdultAny person over 16 and under 60 years of age and not in full time education, at the time of joining or renewing.
JuniorAny person aged between 7 and 16 years old at the time of joining or renewing.
StudentAny person, 16 or over and in full time education.
VeteranAny person who aged 60 or over at sign-up or renewal.
HonoraryAny person as determined by the Committee for a period of one year.
LifetimeAny person as determined by the Committee for an unlimited period.
DayAny individual participating in any club activity that is not covered by an existing membership type.

Applications for membership, which must be made annually, shall be open to persons of any sex from the age of 7 (who will be 8 in this calendar year) who have interests and activities which further the objectives of the Club.  Applicants will be deemed to agree to abide by the Constitution and Code of Conduct.  The Committee has the power to decline applications.

The membership year shall run for one year from the date that membership is paid. The membership of any member who does not renew their subscription within one month of the due date will be deemed to have lapsed.

The rate of subscriptions and day membership fee shall be determined at the AGM of the Club, based upon the recommendations of the Committee.

The committee may at any point in the year propose a change to the membership fees via the calling of an EGM or on-line vote; by simple majority of voters, in accordance with the criteria above.

Anyone who is interested in joining the Club will receive their first Club training session for free. They will then enjoy their next two sessions at member’s rates. After their first three sessions they will be encouraged to join the Club. If they do not wish to do so then they will be classed as Non-members. Members have priority at all Club training sessions and events. Where Non-Members are allowed to participate in Club activities they will be charged a fee for being a Day member. The Committee has the right to waive this Day membership fee for an individual where special circumstances exist.

4.      Management

The Committee is responsible for leading the policy, strategy, good stewardship, and day to day management of the Club, and has the power to take actions to fulfil these roles. The Committee will be accountable to the Members, primarily through the AGM.

The Committee shall consist of the elected members listed in either one of the following structures:

Option 1Option 2
Hon SecretaryVice-Chairperson
Hon TreasurerHon Secretary
Covid OfficerHon Treasurer
Welfare OfficerCovid Officer
Welfare Officer

Further to the officers above, up to a total of 10 committee members with voting rights may be appointed at the AGM.

Other officers can be decided at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or subsequently by the Committee but only the committee members voted in at the AGM shall voting rights unless agreed otherwise at the AGM.

The Committee shall have the power to co-opt an unlimited number of persons in the capacity of advisers or task owners, but these persons shall not have any voting rights on the committee.

A quorum shall consist of three voting members.

Decisions put to a vote shall be resolved by simple majority at Committee Meetings. If there is an even number of Committee members in attendance at a meeting and the vote is tied the Secretary must then seek the vote of all non-attending members. If any abstentions results in a majority not being reached then the decision will be put to all Club Members to vote upon.

No officer may obtain pecuniary or other advantage by virtue of his or her position as officers of the Club, nor may any person receiving payment from the Club be on the Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with all matters relating to the club not reserved to a General meeting in terms of this constitution, including power to make public and enforce such bye-laws as the Committee feel necessary to govern the activities of the Club [including bye laws relating to discipline].

Any training session, event or activity that is provided under the auspices of Derby Triathlon Club must be authorised by the Committee.

5. General Meetings

5.1. Annual General Meetings

An AGM shall be held each year.

All paid up members over 18 shall have full voting rights.

The quorum shall be the minimum of either:

  • 20% of Club members with voting rights; or
  • 25 members with voting rights.

The principal business of the AGM will be:

  • for the outgoing Committee to account for  their stewardship (including presentation of Financial Accounts);
  • to elect a Committee for the following year;
  • to appoint Auditors; and
  • to agree a strategy and activities for the following year.

At each AGM all committee members shall resign but may stand for re-election. Any unfilled positions or task owners will be appointed by the Committee after appropriate communication with members.

Changes in the constitution of the Club shall be ratified by the AGM although the committee may make interim changes or additions; providing a two-thirds majority of the committee is achieved.

5.2. Notice of Meetings

Thirty days notice of the AGM shall be given. The agenda will normally be circulated prior to the meeting.

5.3. Extraordinary General Meetings

An extraordinary general meeting may be called at any time providing twenty members, or 25% of the membership (whichever is less) so wish.  A minimum seven days notice shall be given for such a meeting and items for the agenda circulated also 7 days in advance of the meeting.

5.4. Voting

Decisions put to the vote shall be resolved by simple majority at General Meetings.  If a majority cannot be reached at a General Meeting then the decision will be put to all Club Members to vote upon.

6. Assets

The assets of the club shall be used to further the objectives of the Club. In the event of dissolution of the Club any property shall be sold to meet the debts and liabilities of the Club.  Any assets remaining shall be donated to a similar organization and not to members.

7. Exclusion from Liability

Neither Club officers nor members shall be liable to any member or guest for injury, loss or damage to property occurring during Club activities, although BTF club insurance will be taken out.

8. Finance

The Hon Treasurer shall maintain auditable accounts.  Annual Accounts shall be presented to the membership each year at the AGM. All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.

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About DTC

Derby Triathlon Club (DTC) was formed in 1985, our aim is to provide a fun and friendly environment for you to pursue your multisport ambition. Our focus is on developing your three disciplines, regardless of age, level of fitness or current ability.

DTC now has a membership of around 200, comprised of both senior and junior triathletes.

We provide coaching in all four of triathlons disciplines (including transition).  We hold both regular sessions (i.e. weekly) and other sessions on a more ad-hoc basis.  We use several venues in and around the city of Derby for our training sessions.

Please click here to see a full breakdown of all club related sessions
