derby triathlon club

If you want to know more about the club, please contact the secretary using the e-mail above.


If you have a question or a query please contact the most appropriate person using the email address in the table below.  Please remove the spaces from the email address if you copy it into an email client.

If you’re unsure who to contact, or the contact does not respond or you get an ‘out of office’ reply, then please contact the Club Secretary , who will do their best to get your question answered as soon as possible.

RoleNameContact e-mail address
ChairpersonClive Hollandchair @
Club Kit OfficerRichard Wroughtonclub_kit @
Social MediaRyan Millicansocialmedia @
Cross Country ManagerSarah Millicancrosscountry @
Head CoachLiz Burgessheadcoach @
Membership SecretaryClive Hollandmembership @
PMA Marshalling CoordinatorAsh Turner
SecretaryRod Zalasecretary @
TreasurerSarah Millicantreasurer @
WebmasterRyan Millicanwebmaster @
Welfare OfficerDaisy Edwardswelfare @

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About DTC

Derby Triathlon Club (DTC) was formed in 1985, our aim is to provide a fun and friendly environment for you to pursue your multisport ambition. Our focus is on developing your three disciplines, regardless of age, level of fitness or current ability.

DTC now has a membership of around 200, comprised of both senior and junior triathletes.

We provide coaching in all four of triathlons disciplines (including transition).  We hold both regular sessions (i.e. weekly) and other sessions on a more ad-hoc basis.  We use several venues in and around the city of Derby for our training sessions.

Please click here to see a full breakdown of all club related sessions
