derby triathlon club

If you want to know more about the club, please contact the secretary using the e-mail above.

DTC Annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Orienteering

  • Date: 18/12/2018
  • Category: General

Our annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Orienteering is back.  Teams of 2, teams can be made on the day.

Location – Allestree Park.

Meet at the main car park off the Duffield Road ( not Woodlands Lane) at 10.00 Sunday 30th December 2018.
Race briefing at 10.30 after which you will be issued with a map and clues sheet.
This gives you about 10 mins to review the course and decide on your route strategy.
Race Starts at 10.45
Teams of Two people.
Cost £2.00 each

Each Check point you will find a post with the checkpoint number , write down the alphabetical letter on the post on your clue sheet. 10 points per checkpoint find.
Hint. Don’t waste to much time looking for the post.

2 Hours to complete Course.
For every minute you are late you will loose 10 points
Approx 2 Km course.

See the club Facebook page for extra details, the event was postponed from Monday 17th due to lack of sign-ups.

You will need to dress suitably for a cold evening inc a hat and thin gloves. Trail shoes. It will be wet/muddy.
Head torch is a must.
Pencil or pen.

Bring something warm to wear afterwards.
Hot Mulled wine and Mince pies afterwards.
Each person that takes part with score a point in the Park Run league.
There is a prize for the winning team.

Look forward to seeing you all. Its a fun event.

Any questions PM Steve Tatem (via Facebook)or call/text him on 08970 644081.

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About DTC

Derby Triathlon Club (DTC) was formed in 1985, our aim is to provide a fun and friendly environment for you to pursue your multisport ambition. Our focus is on developing your three disciplines, regardless of age, level of fitness or current ability.

DTC now has a membership of around 200, comprised of both senior and junior triathletes.

We provide coaching in all four of triathlons disciplines (including transition).  We hold both regular sessions (i.e. weekly) and other sessions on a more ad-hoc basis.  We use several venues in and around the city of Derby for our training sessions.

Please click here to see a full breakdown of all club related sessions
