DTC Annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Orienteering
Our annual Mulled Wine and Mince Pie Orienteering is back. Teams of 2, teams can be made on the day.
Location – Allestree Park.
Meet at the main car park off the Duffield Road ( not Woodlands Lane) at 10.00 Sunday 30th December 2018.
Race briefing at 10.30 after which you will be issued with a map and clues sheet.
This gives you about 10 mins to review the course and decide on your route strategy.
Race Starts at 10.45
Teams of Two people.
Cost £2.00 each
Each Check point you will find a post with the checkpoint number , write down the alphabetical letter on the post on your clue sheet. 10 points per checkpoint find.
Hint. Don’t waste to much time looking for the post.
2 Hours to complete Course.
For every minute you are late you will loose 10 points
Approx 2 Km course.
See the club Facebook page for extra details, the event was postponed from Monday 17th due to lack of sign-ups.
You will need to dress suitably for a cold evening inc a hat and thin gloves. Trail shoes. It will be wet/muddy.
Head torch is a must.
Pencil or pen.
Bring something warm to wear afterwards.
Hot Mulled wine and Mince pies afterwards.
Each person that takes part with score a point in the Park Run league.
There is a prize for the winning team.
Look forward to seeing you all. Its a fun event.
Any questions PM Steve Tatem (via Facebook)or call/text him on 08970 644081.